Reports and data are the best advisors!

We believe that the incredible reporting capabilities that Seliton offers will help you make data-driven decisions and always stay on top!
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Google Analytics and Google E-commerce Tracking

Google Analytics and Google E-commerce Tracking

Google Analytics is a free system for measuring your site, specifically for measuring visitors and their behavior. Summer Cart e-shop connects with Google Analytics with just 1 click from the admin panel. Thanks to this connection, you will understand:

  • Where your site's visitors come from
  • How they find it during searches
  • How long they spend on it

Sales and Profit Reports

  • Sales Reports 
      • Sales by product
      • Sales by category
      • Sales by customer
      • Sales and profit
      • Sales by country
  • Customer Reports 
      • Customer countries
      • Page views / visits
      • Product views
      • Category views
  • Order Reports 
      • Average order amount
      • Order statuses
      • Payment methods
      • Delivery methods
      • Items per order
Sales and Profit Reports
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What happens in your store before the actual sales?

What happens in your store before the actual sales?

How many people visit your online store?

In Seliton, unique visits are counted, or in commerce terms, new potential customers, on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. To start selling, your store needs visitors, right? The more, the better!


How many pages does each visitor view?

If they only view one or two pages, it means they have just glanced at your offers and the likelihood of placing an order is low. In such cases, you can stimulate them with Related Products! Additionally, the statistic of the number of pages viewed versus unique visits will clearly help you measure the effect of a new advertising or promotional campaign.


Which products are viewed the most?

An extremely useful statistic, which will hint you on which goods to focus your efforts, by offering for instance the best price, most practical descriptions, better pictures or videos.


Which categories are viewed the most?

With this statistic, you will know which product categories are most interesting or sought after, to make a smart move and generate more sales.

Seliton E-commerce Solution