Elegant and professional design through ready-made themes or custom design

We will help you create a professional design through ready-made free themes or custom design
Elegant and professional design through ready-made themes

42 free designs with HTML5

In Seliton you will find 42 ready-made design themes with a variety of colors, themes, and styles. Each theme can be personalized with your preferred colors. Along with new beautiful visuals, Seliton continues to offer the powerful tool called "Design Editor".

With the Design Editor, every merchant can create their unique design entirely for free, working on the most flexible template, Chameleon. All 42 designs in Seliton are built with HTML5.

free designs with HTML5
Mobile version with responsive design

Mobile version with responsive design

  • Looks GREAT on tablets and smartphones
  • Extremely easy and convenient to use with a finger (instead of a mouse) on tablets and smartphones
  • The design automatically adapts and changes according to the size (resolution) of mobile devices
  • Always looks good

Banners with many effects

Without technical skills and special software, anyone can create an attractive advertising square with animated 2D and 3D effects, changing pictures, and moving inscriptions.
Banners with effects Banners with effects
Create your own unique design

Create your unique design for 0 EUR

  • With a few clicks you can change:
      • Background and layout of each page in the store
      • Shape and color of buttons
      • Font and color of boxes
      • Product categories in horizontal and vertical menus
      • 5 types of headers (top part of the site) and 5 types of footers (bottom part of the site)
      • The position of the boxes - left, right, top and bottom fields only with drag-and-drop
  • The changes in the design are seen in real time and in real view.
      • No additional payment
      • No waiting
      • No designer intervention
      • No misunderstandings
      • Your unique design is ready in less than 30 minutes

Code editor for personalizing the design

If you know HTML and CSS, now you can make changes to the design template of your store directly from the Seliton Admin Panel. Even if something goes wrong, you can restore your original code.

Whether you are building an exclusive design, or making small changes to an existing template, you will easily and quickly learn the template structure of Seliton.

Code editor for personalizing the design
Seliton E-commerce Solution