Built-in erp system from

The SELITON platform is pleased to present its latest large-scale development - a built-in full-featured warehouse system, available in the Administrative Panel of your online store.

The development is the first of its kind in Bulgaria with a focus on uncompromising combination of online and offline business.

Now you will manage your entire commercial business in a modern and flexible way, including an online store + real retail outlets + your own warehouses + supplier warehouses with ONE SINGLE system.

Seliton ERP

Functional list

The Seliton warehouse system covers all the basic processes of the daily work of developed commercial businesses with high-turnover online stores.

1 - Products by warehouse
Availability by own warehouses
Availability by supplier warehouses
Combination of internal and external warehouses (own and supplier)
Operation mode with real and fictitious stocks - suitable in cases of XML synchronizations
2 - Document flow
All operations are document-based
You have full traceability and accountability
You have receipts for:
  • Receive goods
  • Place in warehouse locations
  • Release from warehouse
  • Transfer between warehouses
Invoices and Credit Notes
Inventory List
Supplier Request/Order Documents
3 - Warehouse operations
Moving into a warehouse
  • Maximum simplification of entering variant products (clothes, shoes, etc.) into the warehouse
  • Direct creation of the desired variants and filters in the online store
  • Deleting from warehouse
  • Full history of warehouse movements for each product
Placement in exact locations/racks in warehouse
Release from warehouse
Transfer between warehouses
Inventory and adjustments
4 - Supply planning (supplier operations)
Report "Supply for current orders"
Report "Replenishment" by supplier, warehouse or entire product range
Automatic preparation of a Delivery Request and sending it by email to the selected supplier
We have provided a solution for different business models and product movement between:
Merchant - End Customer and Merchant - Supplier
Three modes of operation with each supplier:
  • Reporting actual available quantities
  • Reporting fixed "conditional" quantities
  • Working with unlimited quantities
5 - Warehouse selection when processing an order
Reserve quantities
Warehouse removal
6 - Label printing
The label contains the Name, Price, Barcode of the product
Four ready-made layouts + Possibility of your own layouts
You determine the size of the labels yourself
Flexible and easy label printing management
7 - POS system for sale in a physical store
Special interface for fast and convenient operation
Does not require special equipment, a computer or tablet is enough to sell at the cash register
It is accessible directly in the administrative area of ​​the online store
Provides a unified sales system, with a unified centralized inventory reporting
Works with barcode reader

Manage your entire trading business from one place.

We offer a fully functional warehouse system, along with an online store,
FREE for 14 days.

Try for free

Main advantages of the SELITON warehouse system

  • Full accountability and transparency in the purchase, sale, logistics and storage of your products.
  • You do not need synchronization or manual work to re-administer data.
  • Everything works as a whole, because it is ONE COMPLETE SOLUTION.
  • You have the entire arsenal of functions necessary for the excellent operation of a warehouse program.
  • Automated delivery planning, regardless of whether your business is "born" online or with real retail outlets.
  • You are not tied to a desktop computer or laptop - you have seamless access to your warehouse system through any device, including a mobile phone and tablet.
  • Seamless activation to your current Seliton online store, without changing the structure of your data. No loss of information, no need to re-administer.
  • Possibility to automatically import data from external systems via XML and CSV.
  • Save time and salaries of employees responsible for daily logistics of orders and products.
  • All the necessary tools are in one place and in your familiar style and arrangement.
  • You work with an established team of specialists who know you and your business.
  • You receive unlimited technical support for every segment of your trade in one place.

Request a price

If you have any questions or need a presentation of the module, please contact us.
Seliton E-commerce Solution