Integrations with Warehouse Programs
Seliton REST API
Seliton XML API
We are proud to share that we have successful partnerships with three of the most elite software companies in Bulgaria.
Dozens of trading companies enjoy the bidirectional automation that Seliton provides.
Integration with your warehouse program
Eltrade Detelina
CSV Import
XML Import
JSON Import
Integration with suppliers
You can stock your online store with computers, books, toys, fashion clothing, shoes, perfumes, and many other goods, WITHOUT MANUAL LABOR and with minimal effort!

App Integration
Integration with 5000+ apps
- Chat
- CRM systems
- Tracking
- File sharing
- Calendar

Integration with cash registers and fiscal printers
Tremol models:
- A19 Plus
- M20
- FP01
- FP21
- M23

Tremol FP21
The device is suitable for all other businesses for printing standard fiscal receipts.

Tremol M23
The latest model of a desktop cash register with improved design and functionality.
Tremol options
Social Media Integrations
Marketplace Integrations

Quick access for your customers
Login with Facebook
Quick login with a Facebook account for your customers

Quick access for your customers
Login with Google
Quick login with a Google account for your customers

SMS and Viber Messages
If you have too many products and pictures and you don't want to enter them one by one:
- Sending an SMS / Viber message upon a new order in tabular form
- Sending messages upon changes in order status
- Sending SMS or Viber campaigns