The most flexible discounts you've seen
- Discounts as a percentage or monetary value
- Calculation per product count or on total order amount
- Linked with minimum order amount or minimum count
- Linked with selected category, products, customers, customer groups, manufacturers and their combination
- Discounts with Promo codes (so-called coupons) have the same flexible settings
- “Free shipping” discount has the same flexible settings
- System for earning free shipping Your customer will see a message "Your order so far is BGN 47.30. If you order for another BGN 2.70, you will earn free shipping!".
Bonus points for customers
Sell more with related products and bundles
You can add "Related Products" to each product at your discretion. The customer has just seen and liked a certain product, and you show them more similar or complementary items that they are likely to enjoy.
You can also bundle your products (e.g., a laptop with a suitable bag) and "loosen the customer's purse strings" even further.

Product Variants
Reviews and ratings of products
If you sell quality goods, don't you want that to be known? Future customers trust present customers much more than your descriptions of a given product.
Seliton provides flexible settings for controlling reviews, you decide whether comments are written by all users or only by registered ones, and whether you want to personally review and approve them before publishing.

A rich selection of product filters
Your customers will shop easily and enjoyably using a variety of filters.

Retail and wholesale prices
In the online store Seliton, every product can have a retail price, multiple wholesale prices, and quantity discounts. Everything is set up and managed very easily. A rich selection of product filters.
The merchant segregates their partners, dealers, resellers into so-called “customer groups” and defines what discounts they will give at what quantities. From there, Seliton automatically displays the correct wholesale prices corresponding to a given partner.

Email newsletter
10-second checkout
You know shopping is a pleasure, but paying at the checkout isn't :-). That's why in Seliton there's a "One-Page Checkout".
Sell from day one

Facebook store + Login for customers with Facebook
Your customers can log into the online store with their Facebook account. For this purpose, we have integrated the Facebook login service, also known as Facebook Connect.
In addition, you can open an e-store on Facebook with just one click thanks to our special application, the Seliton Facebook module.

Gain more sales with retargeting marketing. Let artificial intelligence work for you.
